蜀峰 发表于 2015-9-24 10:49:58


交战和危险地带一览表–2015年09月12日 List of War and Risk Zones - Last update: Sep. 12, 2015
A. 交战地带:A. War zones:
阿富汗:全国Afghanistan:whole country
布隆迪:锡比托克省,布班扎省,以及布琼布拉省(首都除外)Burundi: Provinces Cibitoke, Bubanza and Bujumbura except the capital proper
中非共和国:全国Central African Republic: whole country
刚果民主共和国(刚果金):全国Democratic Republic of the Congo: whole country
乍得共和国:首都以外全国Chad:whole country except capital
埃及:北西奈省Egypt:North Sinai Governorate

南奥塞提亚地区包括茨欣瓦利;阿布卡西亚地区包括加格拉,皮聪大,吉达乌塔,苏呼米,古尔里普希,奥恰姆奇拉,特科瓦尔切利,加利,祖格迪迪Georgia: Break-away republics South Ossetia and Abkhazia and their borders with rump Georgia to a depth of 25kms.

South Ossetia including Ts’khinval; Abkhazia including Gagua, Bichvint’a, Gudaut’a, Sokhumi’ Gulrip’shi, Och’amch’ire, Tqvarch’eli, Gali, Zugdidi.
海地:太子港,贝埃尔地区,卡勒富尔,索莱伊区,让玛丽文森特区,海地角Haiti:In Port-au-Prince: areas Bel-Air, Carrefour, Cite Soleil, Jean Marie Vincent and Montissant; town of Cap Haitien.

与巴基斯坦边境包括喜马偕尔邦、卢迪亚纳和旁遮普。India: Jammu and Kashmir; in Ladakh District within 50km of the Pakistani border (LoC). Immediate borders with Pakistan, except the crossing at Wagah.

borders areas with Pakistan: Himachal Pradesh, Ludhiana and Punjab
伊拉克共和国:全国Iraq: whole country
以色列:加沙Israel: Gaza

与的黎波里,叙利亚边界地区包括北部省和贝卡省; 联合国难民救济及工程营地: 叙利亚边界的北部和东部地区以及首都贝鲁特和南部地区Lebanon: Tripoli, Syrian border (to 15kms) and all UNWRA camps

border areas with Tripoli and Syrian: Ash-Shamal, Al-Biqa; UNWRA camps: border area with Syrian Ash-Shamal, Albiqa, capital Bayrut, and Al-Janub
利比亚 :全国Libya:Whole country
马里:首都巴马科以北地区Mali:Areas north of the capital Bamako
尼日利亚: 河流州除哈科特港以外;阿达马瓦州,博尔努州,包奇州,贡贝州和约贝洲;卡杜纳和卡诺Nigeria:Rivers state except port Harcourt proper; States of Adamawa , Borno, Bauchi, Gombe and Yobe. cities of Kaduna and Kano
巴基斯坦: 克什米尔地区实际控制线50公里内和直辖部落地区。
俾路支省和 开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省。Pakistan:Kashmir at Line of control out to 50km and Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Entire provinces of Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
菲律宾共和国:霍洛岛Philippines:Jolo Group
俄罗斯: 车臣, 印古什, 达吉斯坦和北奥塞梯Russia (West of Ural):Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan & North Ossetia
索马里:全国(索马里兰自治区域除外)Somalia:Entire country except autonomous area of Somaliland
南苏丹:全国South Sudan:Whole country

与苏丹北部边境地区包括:北部省、尼罗省和红海省;苏丹南部边境地区包括:南达尔福尔、科尔多凡、白尼罗、青尼罗和森纳尔Sudan:Darfur Provinces, South Kordofan, the southern areas of North Kordofan and further border areas between North- and South Sudan.

border areas North Sudan: Ash-Shamaliyah, Nahrannil, Al-Bahe Al-Ahmar; border areas South Sudan:Janub Darfur, Kurdufan, White Nile, An Nil Al Azraq and Sinnar
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国:全国Syrian Arab Republic:Whole country

与苏丹边境地区包括:卡邦、科蒂多区、基特古姆区、 帕德尔区、莫约区、永贝区、阿鲁阿区、古卢区、内比区;与刚果民主共和国边境地区包括:永贝区、阿鲁阿区、内比区、马辛迪区、霍伊马区、基巴莱区、基恩乔乔区、本迪布焦区、卡巴罗莱区、卡塞塞区、卡姆文盖区、布谢尼区、鲁昆吉里区、卡农古区、基索罗区UgandaThe Northeastern districts of Kapchorwa, Katakwi, Kotido, Moroto and Nakapiripirit. Immediate borders with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, except urban areas.

border areas with Sudan:Kaabong, kotido, Kitgum, Pader, Moyo, Yumbe, Arua, Gulu, Nebbi; border areas with Republic of the Congo:Yumbe, Arua, Nebbi, Masindi, Hoima, kibale, Kyenjoja, Bundibugyo, Kabarole, Kasese, Kamwenge, Bushenyi, Rukungiri, Kanungu, Kisoro
乌克兰:顿涅茨克地区和卢甘斯克地区。Ukraine: Donetsk and Luhansk Regions.
也门:全国Yemen: Whole country

蜀峰 发表于 2015-9-24 10:54:37

B. 危险地带B. Risk zones
阿尔及利亚:全国除主要城市Algeria: Whole country except major cities
安哥拉:卡宾达 (不含离岸地区)Angola: Cabinda enclave (not including off-shore)
阿塞拜疆: 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫Azerbaijan: Nargorno-Karabakh
孟加拉国: 吉大港山区Bangladesh: Chittagong Hill Tracts
布基纳法索: 中心北大区,北部大区和萨赫勒大区;马里的边境地区 与马里的边境地区包括:乌达兰省, 苏姆省, 罗卢姆省, 亚腾加省, 苏鲁省, 宗多马省, 纳亚拉省, 孔西省,巴瓦省, 穆翁省, 乌埃省, 凯内杜古省, 雷拉巴省Burkina Faso:Regions Centre-Nord, Nord and Sahel; Mali border areasMali border areas:Oudalan, Soum, Loroum, Yatenga, Sourou, Zondoma, Nayala, Kossi, Banwa(les), Mouhoun, Houet, Kenedougou, Leraba
布隆迪:交战地带以外其它地区Burundi: Rest of country
柬埔寨:与泰国的边境线 与泰国的边境地区包括:柏威夏省、奥多棉吉省、班迭棉吉省和马德望省Cambodia: Border region with Thailand Border region with Thailand: Preah Vihear, Oddor Meanchey, Banteay Meanchey, Batdambang
喀麦隆:极北省与尼日利亚边境地区 与尼日利亚边境地区包括:极北省Cameroon: Extreme North Province and border with Nigeria Border region with Thailand: Preah Vihear, Oddor Meanchey, Banteay Meanchey, Batdambang
乍得共和国:首都Chad: Capital
哥伦比亚:全国Colombia: Whole country
刚果共和国(刚果布):包括首都布拉扎维尔在内的联营地区Congo Brazzaville: Pool region (including Brazzaville proper)
厄瓜多尔:哥伦比亚边境地区与哥伦比亚边境地区包括:苏昆比奥斯省、卡尔奇省、因巴布拉省和埃斯梅拉达斯省Ecuador: Border with ColombiaBorder with Colombia: Sucumbios, Carchi, Imbabura, Esmeraldas
埃及:交战地带以外其它地区, 除了:开罗和其周围,亚历山大和红海海岸Egypt:Rest of country,except: Cairo & environs, Alexandria and the Red Sea Coast.
厄立特里亚:埃塞俄比亚和苏丹边境地区 与埃塞俄比亚边境地区包括:南红海区、北红海区、南部区、加什-巴而卡区;与苏丹边境地区包括:加什-巴而卡区、北红海区、安塞巴区Eritrea: Border with Ethiopia and Sudan

Border with Ethiopia:South Red Sea, North Red Sea, Southern, Gash-Barka; Border with Sudan:Gash-Barka, North Red Sea, Anseba
埃塞俄比亚:与厄立特里亚、肯尼亚、苏丹和吉布提边境地区; 甘蓓拉地区和索马里(加登)地区; 基尔沙漠Ethiopia:Border areas Eritrea, Kenya, Sudans and Djibouti. The Gambella region and the Somali (Ogaden) region. Danakil Desert
格鲁吉亚共和国:距离俄罗斯边境地区25公里以内地区Georgia: Areas along the border with Russia to a depth of 25 km

森林几内亚地区及科特迪瓦边境地区包括:恩泽雷科雷大区Guinea: Guinee Forestiere region and the Cote d’Ivoire border

Guinee Forestiere region and the Cote d’Ivoire border :Nzerekore

与塞内加尔边境地区包括:卡谢乌区、奥约区、巴法塔区、加布区Guinea-Bissau: Areas along the border with Senegal

Areas along the border with Senegal:Cacheu, Oio, Bafata, Gabu
海地:交战地区外的其余地区Haiti: Rest of country
印度:阿萨姆邦,曼妮普尔区,那加兰邦和特里普拉邦India: Assam, Manipur, Nagaland &Tripura
印度尼西亚:巴布亚岛(伊里安查亚)Indonesia:Papua (Irian Jaya)

与埃及的边境地区包括:南部区;与黎巴嫩的边境地区包括:北部区、海法区;与叙利亚共和国的边境地区包括:北部区Israel: West Bank, Jerusalem city proper and the Golan heights. Internal (1967) borders between Israel, the Gaza Strip and West Bank plus the borders with Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.

Border with Egypt: Southern District; Borders with Lebanon: Northern District, Haifa District; Borders with Syria: Northern District
科特迪瓦共和国:巴斯萨桑德拉地区,Montagnes和中沙卡瓦利。The Republic of Cote d'ivoire: the regions Bas Cassandra, Montagnes and Moyen Cavally.

蜀峰 发表于 2015-9-24 10:55:56


距叙利亚边境相邻的5公里范围地区包括:伊尔比德省、马弗拉克省Jordan: The Syrian border to a depth of 5km.

Syrian border to a depth of 5km: Irbid, Al-Mafraq

与索马里边境50公里地区包括:东北省Kenya: Slum areas of Nairobi as well as the areas immediately to the west and north of the city. Somali border to a depth of 50km. City of Mombasa and coast from 30km south of Lamu north to the Somalia border.

Somali border to a depth of 50km: North Eastern Province.
黎巴嫩:以色列和利塔尼河地区和贝卡山谷。所有城市地区。Lebanon:Area between the Israeli border and the Litani River as well as the Bekaa Valley. All other Urban areas.
利比里亚:全国Liberia: Whole country
马里:交战地区外的其它地区Mali: Rest of country
毛里塔尼亚: 摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚和马里边境地区Mauritania: Regions bordering on Morocco, Algeria and Mali.
墨西哥:奇瓦瓦州,科阿韦拉州,杜兰戈州,新莱昂州,锡那罗亚州和塔毛利帕斯州,格雷罗州,哈利斯科,米却肯,纳亚里特州农村地区,和萨卡特卡斯。Mexico:States of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, Sinaloa, Sonara and Tamaulipas. Rural areas in states of Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, San Louis Potosi and Zacatecas.
缅甸:Karchin邦,克伦邦克耶邦,罗兴亚及Shan地区Myanmar(Burma):Karchin,Karen, Kayah, Rhakhine and Shan states
尼日尔:尼亚美以北地区。尼日利亚边境省份马拉迪,津德尔和迪法50公里Niger:All Areas north of Niamey. Nigerian border in provinces Maradi, Zinder and Diffa to 50 km depth.

与尼日尔边境地区包括:博尔诺州、约贝州、包奇州、吉加瓦州、卡诺州、卡齐纳州、扎姆法拉州、索科托州、凯比州Nigeria: States of Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi , Plateau and Sokoto. City of Port Harcourt. Niger border

City of Port Harcourt. Niger border: Borno, Yobe, Bauchi, Jigawa, Kano, Katsina, Zamfara, Sokoto, Kebbi
巴基斯坦:交战地区外的其它地区Pakistan: Rest of country
巴勒斯坦:约旦河西岸、加沙和耶路撒冷地区Palestine: the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem
巴拿马: Darién省Panama: Darién Province
秘鲁: 库斯科,阿亚库乔地区,埃内河谷, 阿普里马克省和瓦亚加河和哥伦比亚边境

与哥伦比亚边境地区包括:洛雷托省Peru: Cuzco and Ayacucho departments, and the valleys of the Ene, Apurímac and Huallaga rivers & Colombian border.

Colombian border: Loreto
菲律宾共和国:巴西兰海峡,棉兰老岛,苏禄群岛Philippines:Basilan, Mindanao and rump Sulu Archipelago
卢旺达:与刚果共和国和布隆迪边境地区Rwanda: Dem. Republic of Congo and Burundi borders

与也门边境地区包括:吉赞区、阿西尔区、奈季兰区和东部区Saudi Arabia: Border with Yemen

Border with Yemen: Jizan, Asir, Najran, Ash-Sharqiyah
塞尔维亚:科索沃:“科索沃北部”和米特罗维察镇Serbia: Kosovo: ”Severna Kosovo” and town of Mitrovica
塞拉利昂:边境地区Sierra Leone: Border areas
索马里:索马里兰的自治区域Somalia: Autonomous area of Somaliland
苏丹:喀土穆以外的其它地区Sudan: Rest of country except Khartoum

与阿富汗边境地区包括:哈特隆州、戈尔诺-巴达赫尚自治州Tajikistan: Afghanistan border to a depth of 30km.

Afghan border to a depth of 30km:Khaltoon, Kuhistoni Badakhshon
泰国:与柬埔寨边界的帕威寒古神庙和达曼寺周围;南端省份北大年,也拉,宋卡Thailand: Temple areas ”Khaoi Pra Viharn” and ”Ta Moan”;extreme southern provinces Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and Songkhla.

与阿尔及利亚接壤地区包括:坚杜拜省、卡夫省、卡塞林省、加夫萨省、托泽尔省、吉比利省、泰塔温省Tunisia: Areas bordering Algeria

Areas bordering Algeria: Jendouba, Kef, Kasserine, Gafsa, Tozeur, Kebili, Tataouine
土耳其:宾格尔省,通杰利省和凡。Turkey: Provinces Bingöl, Tuncelli and Van.
乌克兰:哈尔科夫地区,波尔塔瓦和苏梅州;克里米亚被占领地区。Ukraine: Regions Kharkiv, Poltava and Sumy; Occupied Crimea
乌兹别克斯坦:最东部,福尔加纳山谷,纳曼干-安集延地区Uzbekistan: Extreme east, Fergana Valley and Namangan-Adijian Region

与哥伦比亚边境地区包括:苏利亚州、塔奇拉州、梅里达、巴里纳斯州、阿普雷州、亚马孙州Venezuela: Border areas within 50 kilometers of Colombian

Border areas within 50 kilometers of Colombia: Zulia, Tachira, Merida, Barinas, Apure, Amazonas

与刚果民主共和国(刚果金)边境地区包括:西北省、铜带省、卢阿普拉省Zambia:border with Democratic Republic of Congo

Border with Democratic Republic of Congo: North-Western, Copperbelt, Luapula

蜀峰 发表于 2015-9-24 10:56:20

C. 其他救援无法实施的地区:C. Other areas that the assistance cannot be reached
D.临时处于战争状态的地区:D. Areas that is currently in war
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